Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Matthew 10:17

ASVh But beware of people, for they will deliver you up to Sanhedrims, and in their synagogues, they will flog you;
ASV But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to councils, and in their synagogues they will scourge you;
Westcott and Hort προσεχετε δε απο των ανθρωπων παραδωσουσιν γαρ υμας εις συνεδρια και εν ταις συναγωγαις αυτων μαστιγωσουσιν υμας
Westcott and Hort Greek ASVh Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
προσεχετε beware
4337 prosecho pros-ekh'-o From 4314 and 2192; (figuratively) to hold the mind (3563 implied) towards, i.e. pay attention to, be cautious about, apply oneself to, adhere to:-- (give) attend(-ance, -ance at, -ance to, unto), beware, be given to, give (take) heed (to unto); have regard. See Greek for 4314 See Greek for 2192
δε But
1161 de deh A primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc.:-- also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
απο of
575 apo apo' A primary particle; "off," i.e. away (from something near), in various senses (of place, time, or relation; literal or figurative):-- (X here-)after, ago, at, because of, before, by (the space of), for(-th), from, in, (out) of, off, (up-)on(-ce), since, with. In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, etc.
των -
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
ανθρωπων people
444 anthropos anth'-ro-pos From 435 and ops (the countenance; from 3700); man-faced, i.e. a human being:-- certain, man. See Greek for 435 See Greek for 3700
παραδωσουσιν they will deliver
3860 paradidomi par-ad-id'-o-mee From 3844 and 1325; to surrender, i.e yield up, intrust, transmit:-- betray, bring forth, cast, commit, deliver (up), give (over, up), hazard, put in prison, recommend. See Greek for 3844 See Greek for 1325
γαρ for
1063 gar gar A primary particle; properly, assigning a reason (used in argument, explanation or intensification; often with other particles):-- and, as, because (that), but, even, for, indeed, no doubt, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet.
υμας you
4771 su soo The personal pronoun of the second person singular; thou:-- thou. See also 4571, 4671, 4675; and for the plural 5209, 5210, 5213, 5216. See Greek for 4675 See Greek for 4571 See Greek for 4671 See Greek for 5209 See Greek for 5210 See Greek for 5213 See Greek for 5216
εις up to
1519 eis ice A primary preposition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases:-- (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), …ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
συνεδρια Sanhedrims
4892 sunedrion soon-ed'-ree-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4862 and the base of 1476; a joint session, i.e. (specially), the Jewish Sanhedrin; by analogy, a subordinate tribunal:-- council. See Greek for 4862 See Greek for 1476
και and
2532 kai kahee Apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:-- and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
εν in
1722 en en A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.:-- about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (… sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. See Greek for 1519 See Greek for 1537
ταις -
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
συναγωγαις synagogues
4864 sunagoge soon-ag-o-gay' From (the reduplicated form of) 4863; an assemblage of persons; specially, a Jewish "synagogue" (the meeting or the place); by analogy, a Christian church:-- assembly, congregation, synagogue. See Greek for 4863
αυτων their
846 autos ow-tos' From the particle au (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons:-- her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848. See Greek for 109 See Greek for 1438 See Greek for 848
μαστιγωσουσιν they will flog
3146 mastigoo mas-tig-o'-o From 3148; to flog (literally or figuratively):-- scourge. See Greek for 3148
υμας you
4771 su soo The personal pronoun of the second person singular; thou:-- thou. See also 4571, 4671, 4675; and for the plural 5209, 5210, 5213, 5216. See Greek for 4675 See Greek for 4571 See Greek for 4671 See Greek for 5209 See Greek for 5210 See Greek for 5213 See Greek for 5216
Greek Unicode database taken from: Parsed Westcott Hort database taken from: Parsed Byzantine majority text taken from: ASV Text taken from: Strong's Extensive Concordance taken from: