Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Luke 21

Summary. . As this chapter has told all readers, the beloved Son of God has come to fulfil His duty. The Father has sent the beloved Son of God to teach all humans who is the true God that all humans should come and glorify, and the beloved Son of God also shown His authority, by His word, all things succeed. What He says will be. Luke 21:1-4. The true offering. Give to the Lord from the most value you have; the giving can be small, but that meager amount after all is more valuable than a big amount. Luke 21:5-6. Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple. The Lord has told what will happen with the temple, and it did happen, but later on, not right away at that time. Luke 21:7-19. Jesus speaks about sings of the end time. Jesus tells us to watch and pray, so we are not led astray. Sings that the Lord speaks about are false christs, false bible, wars, earthquakes, famines and pestilences,signs from heaven and great persecution for the true believers. Luke 21:20-24. The end time destruction of the Holy City. The end time destruction of the Holy City will be greater than what has happened before, because only in that way will His people repent. Luke 21:25-28. The Son of Man is coming back to rule the earth. The events spoken by the Lord in these verses will happen during the great tribulation time. Luke 21:29-33. The parable of the fig tree. The Lord's people will concur again and the whole earth will realize who the true ruler is. This is a sign for the true believers that the beloved Son of God is coming back soon. Luke 21:34-36. Take heed to yourselves. The day of the Lord's return comesunexpectedly, but you all will be ready if you always meditate and stay in prayer. Luke 21:37-38. The Lord Jesus is the true Teacher. During the day Jesus was teaching in the temple and people would come early morning to listen His teachings.
[1] And He looked up, and saw the rich men that were casting their gifts into the treasury.
Comments Luke 21:1 For verses 1 to 4, see Comments Mark 12:41-44.
[2] And He saw a certain poor widow casting in there two small coins.
[3] And He said, Truly I say to you, This poor widow cast in more than all;
[4] for all these out of their abundance did cast in the gifts; but she out of her poverty did cast in all the living that she had.
Comments Luke 21:1-4 When you give an offering to the Lord, think of Him who can see the heart. Do not worry about the human eyes seeing what they can see; the material gift may be small, but the gift of the heart is much bigger.
[5] And as some spoke about the temple, how it was adorned with valuable stones and offerings, He said,
Comments Luke 21:5 For verses 5 to 6, see Comments Matthew 24:1-2 and Comments Mark 13:1-2.
[6] These things which you behold, days will come, in which there will not be left a stone upon a stone, that will not be thrown down.
[7] And they asked Him, saying, Teacher, when therefore will these things be? And what the sign when these things are about to take place?
Comments Luke 21:7 For verses 7 to 19, see Comments Matthew 24:3-14 and Comments Mark 13:3-13.
For this verse, see Comments Matthew 24:3 and the "Comments on the temple of the Lord that will help understand end time events". See also Comments Mark 13:3-4.
[8] And He said, Take heed lest you be led astray; for many will come in My name, saying, I am; and, The time is at hand; go not after them.
Comments Luke 21:8 See Comments Matthew 24:4-5.
[9] And when you will hear of wars and tumults, be not terrified; for these things must take place first; but the end is not immediately.
[10] Then said He to them, Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
[11] and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
Comments Luke 21:9-11 For these verses, see Comments Matthew 24:7, 8.
[12] But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you, and will persecute, delivering up to the synagogues and prisons, bringing before kings and governors for My Name's sake.
Comments Luke 21:12 For verses 12 to 17, see Comments Matthew 10:17-22. These verses here tell about the persecution of Christians.
We will concentrate on "for My Name's sake". In this part has told about all the true believers in the beloved Son of God who did not deny their Lord, even in the time of most suffering in their lives they still stand firm and trust in His mercy, and they all will receive His mercy. This life is nothing, expect for the life to come, this suffering will speak to their hearts, if this body has to suffer the soul will be saved, and also will make people think, the suffering of this time on earth cannot be compared with the soul suffering for eternity, but with trust in the beloved Son of God, all will be able to go through this suffering in body.
[13] It shall turn out to you for a testimony.
Comments Luke 21:13 As the verse tells, the suffering of this time will be the proof for the time to come that suffering is for short while, it has time to end, but the happy for eternity will never end. And that peace in your heart will be a testimony for all that will have a chance to meet with you, and you yourself will become a living testimony for all that have faith in the beloved Son of God, and your end is more peaceful than the beginning.
[14] Settle therefore in your minds, not to meditate beforehand how to answer;
[15] for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries will not be able to withstand or contradict.
Comments Luke 21:14-15 As the verses tell, your mouth will speak things that you never knew before and what is in your heart will not be told because the Lord Himself will put the words in your mouth but not in your head. Your mouth will say things that you do not know. When people try to fight with your words, that time the Lord will put the words in your mouth, and when you speak those words out the meaning of those words will go and fight instead of you.
[16] But you will be delivered up even by parents, and brothers, and relatives, and friends; and some of you will they cause to be put to death.
[17] And you will be hated by all for My Name's sake.
Comments Luke 21:16-17 As the verses tell all, because of your faith in the beloved Son of God, the closest to you will betray you, but remember they did not betray you but they have betrayed the beloved Son of God Himself. With their own will, they had blinded their hearts and went against the righteous ones of heaven.
[18] But not a hair of your head will perish.
Comments Luke 21:18 When the physical body has been killed, not one joy of the heavenly body is lost, every joy that belongs to you will remain and no one can take that joy from you.
[19] By your patient endurance you will gain your souls.
[20] But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that her desolation is at hand.
Comments Luke 21:20 According to this verse the Lord has been warning all His people to think what they are doing. They are His children, but they have ignored His voice, and they have also neglected the warnings that the Lord has sent through the prophets. So, when the time of desolation comes, they cannot blame anyone but themselves, and they cannot feel disappointed in the mercy of the God Most High because they have ignored Him, and that is why the Lord let it happen.
See also Comments Luke 19:23 and Comments Matthew 24:15, 22.
[21] Then let them that are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let those that are in the midst of it depart out; and let not those that are in the country enter into it.
[22] For these are days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
[23] Woe to them that are pregnant and to them that are nursing in those days! For there will be great distress upon the land, and wrath to this people.
[24] And they will fall by the edge of the sword and will be led captive into all the nations; and all Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
Comments Luke 21:20-24 Give attention also when the verse has told, the time of vengeance, who did vengeance to whom? The Lord will revenge to the unfaithful, His people may have disobeyed the Lord, and the Lord is the One who punishes them, but the outsiders had trampled Jerusalem, the city of the Most High God, the Lord vengeance will go upon them all, for whatever they have done to His children. This is written in the book of the Lord as well, and when the time comes all will happen.
"The time of Gentiles will be fulfilled" when the children of the Lord have repented and come to glorify the beloved Son of God, in that time the Gentiles will be punished, when they have trampled the Holy City.
The events talked about in these verses have not happened yet, the time will come, in that time, in future the destruction of the Holy City will be greater than what has happened before, because only that way His people will repent. The events in these verses will happen before the events described in Matthew 24:21-22 (See Comments Matthew 24:22).
[25] And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the billows;
[26] men fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Comments Luke 21:25-26 The events spoken by the Lord in these verses will happen during the great tribulation time (See Comments Matthew 24:15). Note that there is a big gap of time between the events in verses 21 to 24 and the events described in verses 25 to 26, because each event has a long period of time to fulfill, that is why there is a big gap of time.
"And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars". These signs, those humans' eyes in those times will see, but only their light is gone, but the light of the sun itself cannot be gone completely yet, because the earth still needs it, but humans can feel that the heat from it is less and that will bring hard times to the whole earth. Few stars humans can see left over, the moon will look smaller, all humans on earth will be concerned and worried about what will happen to the earth itself, but they still will not repent. The powers of heavens will be shaken with the anger of God Almighty Himself, and the beloved Son's heart is grieved as well, He once was human because of the love for humans the Father has, and only one human will be left in the universe, the beloved Son of God is the last human remaining.
[27] And then will they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
[28] But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.
Comments Luke 21:27-28 The time has come close, the true believers will have hope again that the beloved Son of God will rule over them. All useless idols will be destroyed by the hand of those that went astray and worshiped them, the humans that are left over will feel sorry they did it so late, the earth itself has changed so much for them, but they are looking forward to receiving the beloved Son of God as their King, that is why the verse said "your redemption draws near".
[29] And He spoke to them a parable: Behold the fig tree, and all the trees:
Comments Luke 21:29 "Behold the fig tree". The fig tree is the people of the Lord, in this place it refers to the Jews themselves, but all the trees are the gentiles that have faith.
[30] when they sprout already, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near.
Comments Luke 21:30 When the rest of humans have seen the Lord's people concur again, His people will gain back the power and start to rule over the left over humans on earth, then the whole earth will realize who is the true ruler, and life will start back again as normal.
[31] So you also, when you see these things coming to pass, know that the kingdom of God is near.
Comments Luke 21:31 This verse itself talks only to the true believers, the kingdom of God is near, rejoice and be glad and keep your faith until the end; all the minds of true believers should keep to this verse, that the beloved Son of God is coming back soon, and they have proof of it with the things that happen on earth, and the notice of repentance among themselves, that is the proof for their heart, the time has come close now.
This verse talks about Jesus ruling on this earth for short little while before the beloved Son takes the true believers back with Him to the new earth, because there the Father has prepared His kingdom.
[32] Truly I say to you, This generation will not pass away, until all these things will be accomplished.
Comments Luke 21:32 For verse 32 and 33, see Comments Matthew 24:34, 35.
[33] The heaven and the earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
[34] But take heed to yourselves, lest ever your hearts be burdened with dissipation, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that day will come on you suddenly;
[35] for as a snare it will come upon all them that dwell on the face of all the earth.
Comments Luke 21:34-35 These verses tell plainly what will happen when people listen to the Word of Life; even the day of the Lord comes as a snare but you all will be ready if you always meditate and stay in prayer.
[36] Also watch at every season, praying that you may prevail to escape all these things that are about to come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.
Comments Luke 21:36 The verse tells clearly, in order to be able to escape, all true believers must stay in prayer and all will be able to pass through these trials.
[37] And during the day He was teaching in the temple; and during the night He went out, and lodged in the mount that is called Olivet.
Comments Luke 21:37 Different areas are mentioned in the Gospels, but these areas are connected, have the border joining, and in the past, at that time they were considered to be the same area. Bethany and Mount Olivet are a little apart but still in the same area; where the Lord has stayed is still called Olivet as the verse says. See also Comments Matthew 21:17.
[38] And all the people came early in the morning to Him in the temple, to hear Him.
Comments Luke 21:38 As the verse said, early in the morning, the ones that will come to hear the Lord, it will be those that did not believe only by the head, but by the heart as well. For people, to come and listen to the beloved Son of God speaking early in the morning instead of going to do the work, has already told the faith of that person, willing to lose the wage of work but come to listen to the beloved Son of God speaking.
Life and Faith Applications. 1) When you give an offering to the Lord, think of Him who can see the heart and do not worry about the people what they see or say. 2) Persecution will come to true believers, but the Lord tells us that through "your patient endurance, you will gain your soul". 3) Jesus is the true teacher. You always must watch and stay in prayer and meditate on the Word of God, so you are not led astray. 4) Set some time each day to dedicate to the Word of God and prayer.